The Christian Journey is not just to a place Heaven it is also to a person Jesus. Ephesians 413 says Till we all come to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ
God listens and He responds. Sometimes His reply could be Im with you. Do not be afraid. Sadly many times we withdrew long before receiving the blessing He has for us what He wants to show us or we get disappointed because we dont recognize His answer for not being what we expected.
Good soldiers know that if they dont recognize who their enemy is they are destined to lose the war. That is also true for those of us who battle in Gods army. Even though Jesus put the enemy under His feet and won the victory for us we still must move into that victory. There are still battles to be fought in prayer.
Prayer is talking to God but its so much more than that its the beat of our heart the attitude of our mind the song on our tongue the direction of our thoughts
In your time of sorrow hold tight to God. In the midst of a trial and crisis dont let go of God. No matter what comes your way keep your eyes on God. Amen.
We have one crystal clear reason apart from the blessed happiness of this way of life. It is this prayer is the core of our day. Take prayer out and the day would collapse would be pithless a straw blown in the wind. But how can you pray--really pray I mean--with one against who you have a grudge or whom you have been discussing critically with another Try it. You will find it cannot be done.