I dont judge those who cant dream those who need to pierce their arms to create different worlds under their skin because I am fortunate in the tools of my escapes
I want you to trust yourself baby. Love is all that matters and youve always known that. Youve known since you were a very little girl what your life is meant to be about
Attend seminars forums conferences summits and sessions where interesting topics about dream fulfillment and personal branding are prioritized themes and topics. Get exposed to better ways of doing things
You know if you aint poor you might think its the folks in them big ole fine brick churches thats doin all the carin and the prayin. I wish you coulda seen all them little circles ahomeless folks with their heads bowed and their eyes closed whisperin what was on their hearts. Seemed like they didnt have nothin to give but they was givin what they had taken the time to knock on Gods front door and ask Him to heal this woman that loved them.