Famous Quotes about compromise

Dan Kimball quote #205 from The Emerging Church: Vintage Christianity for New Generations

Time and again I hear how important the darker environment is to those at our vintage-faith worship gathering. Attenders feel they can freely pray in a corner by themselves without feeling that everyone is staring at them.
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Munia Khan famous quote #149

The world of light and starry gracewithin your mind I live to trace.Your thoughts speed in thunders glorylightening my being with dreams story.I embrace the tree carrying your nameYour unspoken wish the heart of fame.
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Maeve Binchy famous quote #74

Her bed felt huge and empty now and when she slept she did so with her arm around a pillow. She dreamed of him almost every night sometimes good dreams of happy days and joyful times often they were terrible dreams of abandonment loss and sorrow. She didnt know which was worse every morning she woke afresh to the knowledge that he was gone and he would never come back. It would never be all right again.
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Shellie Rushing Tomlinson famous quote #384

One just one but definitely one of the great benefits of private prayer is that you cant hide from your motives. In corporate prayer we can sound like all that. We can blow Jesus smoke like nobodys bizness in a crowd but get alone with Him and He wont let you get away with the fake stuff. Try blowing Jesus smoke in your prayer closet and youll cough on it every time. Truth That penetrating gaze of His hurts but afterwards it never fails to heal.
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Jennifer Elisabeth famous quote #164

I just want your voice aimed at me again. I want to absorb the direction of your eyes
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