Famous Quotes about confidence

Georgia Saratsioti quote #164 from Dreaming is for lovers

I had a dream about you. We were actors in a horror movie and I was hunting you down with a knife. When I finally cornered you the director yelled Cut.... What I cant be blamed for following instructions.
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Jarod Kintz quote #76 from Dreaming is for lovers

I had a dream about you. You were sitting in a dentists chair and I was cleaning your teeth. You wondered if I was a dentist and I wondered why more people didnt brush their teeth with Windex. I did a rush job with you because I still had sixty floors of windows to wash before I could get back home to my woman and the man she was living with.
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Crystal Hudson quote #159 from Dreaming is for lovers

I had a dream about you last night. We were in your old Civic. Nine Inch Nails was turned up on the stereo and I was taking pictures of you behind the wheel with my disposable camera. We went through the drive through at El Pollo Loco placed an order for a hundred bucks worth of food and then just drove off at the window. I miss being stupid with you.
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J. Oswald Sanders famous quote #365

If done as God wants. then leadership will surely include intercessory prayer. The saintly Bishop Azariah of India once remarked to Bishop Stephen Neill that he found time to pray daily by name for every leader in his extensive diocese. Little wonder that during his thirty years of eldering there the diocese tripled its membership and greatly increase in spiritual effectiveness
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Leanna Renee Hieber quote #278 from The Darkly Luminous Fight for Persephone Parker

Persephone is just a name for a spirit of beauty at a certain time in history. Im sure we could argue a biblical place for her if it matters. Your wife has the name of that pagan goddess but the fact remains that shes your mortal bride in the Year of Our Lord 1888- and shes Catholic so pray for her damn it I dont care how confusing it is. And pray for us to anyone. If the dead are about to flood Athens divine goodwill couldnt hurt. Your prayers can be in Hindu if you like. Now go home.
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