Famous Quotes about confidence

Roman Payne famous quote #99

As for girls they must risk everything for freedom and give everything for passion... loving everything that their hearts and their bodies love. The only thing higher for a girl and more sacred for a young woman than her freedom and her passion should be her desire to make her life into poetry surrendering everything she has to create a life as beautiful as the dreams that dance in her imagination.
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Jarod Kintz quote #194 from Dreaming is for lovers

I had a dream about you. You owned a farm and you grew teamwork because yours was an ant farm. I was a coach looking to recruit some new fruit but I decided to give your produce a try. I made the right decision because I ended up winning the 2014 World Picnic Championships.
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Jarod Kintz quote #177 from Dreaming is for lovers

I had a dream about you. Our relationship faded from red to white and somewhere in the middle in the pink zone I told you I loved you and you returned it. However at white our relationship went black and I sought red in the arms of another woman.
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Roman Payne famous quote #87

As for you girls you must risk everything for Freedom and give everything for Passion loving everything that your hearts and your bodies love. The only thing higher for a girl and more sacred for a young woman than her freedom and her passion should be her desire to make her life into poetry surrendering everything she has to create a life as beautiful as the dreams that dance in her imagination.
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