If life didnt give you at least one person not wanting you to succeed then half of us would lose are motivation to climb that cliff in order to prove them wrong.
You can capture this body of mine take away my freedom and enslave me. You may even have the power to capture my soul and sentence me to the realm of eternal darkness. But my dreams you cannot touch. They are my willthe very essence of who I am. In them I laugh. In them I cry. In them I love. And in them.I live.My dreams are untouchable and unceasing.
To embark on the journey towards your goals and dreams requires bravery. To remain on that path requires courage. The bridge that merges the two is commitment.
So many people will tell you no and you need to find something you believe in so hard that you just smile and tell them watch me. Learn to take rejection as motivation to prove people wrong. Be unstoppable. Refuse to give up no matter what. Its the best skill you can ever learn.
You have had a dream for so many years. Let today be the day you make a plan for it. Just think about how much more likely you are to hit your target when you finally aim at it.