Famous Quotes about inspiration

Leonard Cohen quote #446 from Stranger Music: Selected Poems and Songs

And Ill dance with you in ViennaIll be wearing a rivers disguise.The hyacinth wild on my shouldermy mouth on the dew of your thighs.And Ill bury my soul in a scrapbookwith the photographs there and the moss.And Ill yield to the flood of your beautymy cheap violin and my cross.
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Cassandra Clare quote #114 from Clockwork Princess

I thought perhaps that when you told me you did not love me that my own feelings would fall away and atrophy but they have not. They have grown every day. I love you now more desperately this moment than I have ever loved you before and in an hour I will love you more than that
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Gregory David Roberts quote #228 from Shantaram

She loved the guy. She did it for him. She wouldve done anything for him. Some people are like that. Some loves are like that. Most loves are like that from what I can see. Your heart starts to feel like an overcrowded lifeboat. You throw your pride out to keep it afloat and your self-respect and your independence. After a while you start throwing people outyour friends everyone you used to know. And its still not enough. The lifeboat is still sinking and you know its going to take you down with it. Ive seen that happen to a lot of people here. I think thats why Im sick of love.
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