Famous Quotes about life

Jane Austen quote #259 from Persuasion

I do not think I ever opened a book in my life which had not something to say upon womans inconstancy. Songs and proverbs all talk of womans fickleness. But perhaps you will say these were all written by men.Perhaps I shall. Yes yes if you please no reference to examples in books. Men have had every advantage of us in telling their own story. Education has been theirs in so much higher a degree the pen has been in their hands. I will not allow books to prove anything.
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Margaret Atwood quote #245 from The Handmaid's Tale

Falling in love we said I fell for him. We were falling women. We believed in it this downward motion so lovely like flying and yet at the same time so dire so extreme so unlikely. God is love they once said but we reversed that and love like heaven was always just around the corner. The more difficult it was to love the particular man beside us the more we believed in Love abstract and total. We were waiting always for the incarnation. That word made flesh.And sometimes it happened for a time. That kind of love comes and goes and is hard to remember afterwards like pain. You would look at the man one day and you would think I loved you and the tense would be past and you would be filled with a sense of wonder because it was such an amazing and precarious and dumb thing to have done and you would know too why your friends had been evasive about it at the time.There is a good deal of comfort now in remembering this.
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Douglas Pagels famous quote #345

Love is a wonderful gift. Its a present so precious words can barely begin to describe it. Love is a feeling the deepest and sweetest of all. Its incredibly strong and amazingly gentle at the very same time. It is a blessing that should be counted every day. It is nourishment for the soul. It is devotion constantly letting each person know how supportive its certainty can be. Love is a heart filled with affection for the most important person in your life. Love is looking at the special someone who makes your world go around and absolutely loving what you see. Love gives meaning to ones world and magic to a million hopes and dreams. It makes the morning shine more brightly and each season seem like its the nicest one anyone ever had. Love is an invaluable bond that enriches every good thing in life. It gives each hug a tenderness each heart a happiness each spirit a steady lift. Love is an invisible connection that is exquisitely felt by those who know the joy feel the warmth share the sweetness and celebrate the gift
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Sarah Dessen quote #200 from Along for the Ride

It didnt make you noble to step away from something that wasnt working even if you thought you were the reason for the malfunction. Especially then. It just made you a quitter. Because if you were the problem chances were you could also be the solution. The only way to find out was to take another shot.
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Gerald G. May quote #205 from Living in Love

There is a desire within each of usin the deep center of ourselves that we call our heart.We were born with it it is never completely satisfiedand it never dies.We are often unaware of it but it is always awake.It is the Human desire for Love.Every person in this Earth yearns to loveto be loved to know love.Our true identity our reason for beingis to be found in this desire.Love is the why of lifewhy we are functioning at all.I am convincedit is the fundamental energy of the human spirit.the fuel on which we runthe wellspring of our vitality.And grace which is the flowingcreative activity of love itselfis what makes all goodness possible.Love should come firstit should be the beginning ofand the reason for everything.
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