In your time of sorrow hold tight to God. In the midst of a trial and crisis dont let go of God. No matter what comes your way keep your eyes on God. Amen.
Dont say you dont have enough time or enough money to change the world. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller Gandhi Michelangelo Mother Teresa Leonardo da Vinci and Jesus Christ.
A sense of accomplishment Ahh yes. Theres just Nothing like it Today KNOW You can make it happen like no other. Its the Truth. Lean into the direction of your dreams today. Everything is brewing for you all that you want is on the brink of complete overflow. Get out of your own way and Allow the overflow to happen.
He felt a deep urge to put some order in this chaos. Leaning against a large standing-stone by the wayside he drew out his dreambook and began to write.
The problem is that you are too much in love. You are here because your parents mentioned your name to someone who mentioned your parents name to someone who mentioned your name to my superior who suggested that I might find a position for you. And so here you sit blocking my light and dripping on my floor eager to tell me that you love the paintings in my museum. That you have known them admired them dreamt of them since you were a little girl. I wish it were otherwise but all this means nothing to me. Everyone who has sat on that stool has claimed your devotion.