Famous Quotes about purpose

Grace Metalious quote #477 from Peyton Place

If God was going to do what He thought was best anyway why bother to ask for anything one wanted If you prayed and God thought that what you asked should be granted He would grant it. If you did not pray and it was true that God always acted in ones best interest you would receive whatever He wanted you to receive anyway.Prayer thought Allison was a dreadfully unfair rather unsportsmanlike affair with all the advantages on one side.
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Thomas Aquinas famous quote #72

Creator of all things true source of light and wisdom origin of all being graciously let a ray of your light penetrate the darkness of my understanding. Take from me the double darkness in which I have been born an obscurity of sin and ignorance. Give me a keen understanding a retentive memory and the ability to grasp things correctly and fundamentally. Grant me the talent of being exact in my explanations and the ability to express myself with thoroughness and charm. Point out the beginning direct the progress and help in the completion.
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Caroline Myss quote #172 from Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing

Poem from Rev. Jim Cotter as listed on the opening pages of Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss God be in my head and in my understanding. God be in my eyes and in my looking. God be in my mouth and in my speaking. God be in my tongue and in my tasting. God be in my lips and in my greeting. God be in my nose and in my smellinginhaling. God be in my ears and in my hearing. God be in my neck and in my humbling. God be in my shoulders and in my bearing. God be in my back and in my standing. God be in my arms and in my reachingreceiving. God be in my hands and in my working. God be in my legs and in my walking. God be in my feet and in my grounding. God be in my knees and in my relating. God be in my gut and in my feeling. God be in my bowels and in my forgiving. God be in my loins and in my swiving. God be in my lungs and in my breathing. God be in my heart and in my loving. God be in my skin and in my touching. God be in my flesh and in my painingpining. God be in my blood and in my living. God be in my bones and in my dying. God be at my end and at my reviving.
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Nathan Reese Maher famous quote #54

Call me crazy but there is something terribly wrong with this city.
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Shannon L. Alder famous quote #485

When you settle for anything short of the best life God wants to offer you then you have been tempted to remain safe and the accountability for not changing your life becomes your prison of regret.
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