Famous Quotes about sleeping

Brian Selznick quote #93 from The Invention of Hugo Cabret

The idea of going to the movies made Hugo remember something Father had once told him about going to the movies when he was just a boy when the movies were new. Hugos father had stepped into a dark room and on a white screen he had seen a rocket fly right into the eye of the man in the moon. Father said he had never experienced anything like it. It had been like seeing his dreams in the middle of the day.
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Dora J. Arod quote #106 from I Had a Dream About You

I had a dream about you. You were crying and I couldnt tell if it was because you were sad or because youd been laughing too hard. So I decided to find out by telling you that Id just heard from the cops and your mother had been murdered. Before I got to the punch line you started sobbing in a different manner so I realized youd been laughing earlier. By that time the mood had changed and I decided it best not to deliver the punch line after all. So I sat down next to you and put my arm around you and tried to console you for your perceived loss.
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Paulo Coelho famous quote #73

memang begitulah hati manusia. Orang takut mengejar impian-impian mereka yang terpenting sebab mereka merasa mereka tidak berhak memperolehnya atau bahwa mereka tak mampu meraihnya. Kami hati mereka menjadi gentar hanya dengan berpikir tentang orang-orang tercinta yang akan pergi selamanya atau tentang saat-saat yang seharusnya baik tapi ternyata tidak atau tentang harta-harta yang mungkin mestinya sudah ditemukan tapi selamanya terkubur dalam tanah. Karena saat hal-hal ini terjadi kami sangat menderita.
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Vera Nazarian quote #135 from The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Heres a funny questionWhat is your favorite wordThink about itmaybe its a word that makes you absolutely happy or a word that sounds gloriously beautiful or a word that evokes awe and wonder. Maybe you are reminded of a great time when you hear it or maybe it represents your lifes dream.So what is it What is your favorite word of all wordsThought about it yetGood.And now think why.
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