Famous Quotes about books

Chirag Tulsiani famous quote #128

And in that moment he realised that even though the dreams theyd seen together hoped for and believed in had come true it wasnt enough. It was far from reality which was lonesome and woeful. And conceived that love had no lastingness it was brief and momentary. It wasnt the cherishable sensation spoken of in movies and written in books rather a delusion inclined on ruining the very spirit giving way to mournfulness and disappointment.
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Daniel J. Rice quote #165 from This Side of a Wilderness

Sometimes I feel like Im losing my mind she said with a hintof sadness.You lost your mind a long time ago he said seriously. She looked at him with indignation. Thats a compliment for anyone who knows the freedom and clarity of losing their mind he reaffirmed her.
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Nirav Sanchaniya famous quote #21

A Writer is Actor Creator Director Producer Of HIS Life. Ask ME anything.
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Jarod Kintz quote #72 from Dreaming is for lovers

I had a dream about you. You told me you circled three words in three books scattered in the Library of Alexandria the one that supposedly burnt down centuries ago. You wouldnt tell me what words what books or give me any clues at all so I just assumed those three words were I love you and I thought about that while I made love to a being of light who made sure I was completely dry the whole time so I didnt get electrocuted.
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Jarod Kintz quote #31 from Dreaming is for lovers

I had a dream about you. You were writing a book and I was reading a book. The problem was it was the same book. So while you were trying to write I sat next to you yelling at you to write faster because I am a speed reader. Seriously can you only type 1000 words per minute You slowed down my reading so much you made me feel like I had a second-grade reading level. Also you really should learn how to use a comma. Oh and one more thing. Its not a love story if theres only one character in the book. Not unless I am that character.
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Umberto Eco quote #59 from The Name of the Rose

There are magic moments involving great physical fatigue and intense motor excitement that produce visions of people known in the past en me retraant ces dtails jen suis me demander sils sont rels ou bien si je les ai rvs. As I learned later from the delightful little book of the Abb de Bucquoy there are also visions of books as yet unwritten.
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