Famous Quotes about write

Jarod Kintz quote #122 from I Want Two apply for a job at our country's largest funeral home

I want to gather up all the ink cartridges in the universe because somewhere mixed in with all that ink is the next great American novel. And Id love nothing more than to drink it.
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Jarod Kintz quote #31 from Dreaming is for lovers

I had a dream about you. You were writing a book and I was reading a book. The problem was it was the same book. So while you were trying to write I sat next to you yelling at you to write faster because I am a speed reader. Seriously can you only type 1000 words per minute You slowed down my reading so much you made me feel like I had a second-grade reading level. Also you really should learn how to use a comma. Oh and one more thing. Its not a love story if theres only one character in the book. Not unless I am that character.
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