Famous Quotes about cemetery

Steve Maraboli quote #88 from Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Cemeteries are full of unfulfilled dreams... countless echoes of could have and should have countless books unwritten countless songs unsung... I want to live my life in such a way that when my body is laid to rest it will be a well needed rest from a life well lived a song well sung a book well written opportunities well explored and a love well expressed.
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Jarod Kintz quote #62 from Dreaming is for lovers

I had a dream about you. Flowers were overflowing in the cemetery so we decided to have a picnic there. You brought apple pie and I brought my Aunt Mildred whod been dead for some time and I just hadnt gotten around to disposing of her body. I thought youd think me both efficient and romantic but it turns out you didnt. You only saw the romantic side of my action.
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