Famous Quotes about priorities

Sigmund Freud quote #150 from The Interpretation of Dreams

Accordingly identification or the formation of composite figures serves different purposes first to represent a feature both persons have in common secondly to represent a displaced common feature but thirdly to find expression for a common feature that is merely wished for. Since wishing it to be the case that two people have something in common is often the same as exchanging them this relation too is expressed in the dream by identification. In the dream of Irmas injection I wish to exchange this patient for another that is I wish that the other were my patient as Irma is the dream takes account of the wish in showing me a figure who is called Irma but who is examined in a posture in which I have only had occasion to see the other.
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #81 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Remember your wishes are on the ways God created. If you miss the way you are automatically missing that great treasure Be on the way of the Lord and your wishes will meet you at a chosen junction
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #185 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

For the sake of your dreams dont create negative brands for yourself else you scare away opportunities that are meant to be your turning point
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Sigmund Freud quote #34 from The Interpretation of Dreams

The dream has a very striking way of dealing with the category of opposites and contradictions. This is simply disregarded. To the dream No does not seem to exist. In particular it prefers to draw opposites together into a unity or to represent them as one. Indeed it also takes the liberty of representing some random element by its wished-for opposite so that at first one cannot tell which of the possible poles is meant positively or negatively in the dream-thoughts.
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