Famous Quotes about priorities

Jarod Kintz quote #64 from I had a dream about you 2

I had a dream about you. The sky looked threatening and hail the size shape and color of boxing gloves started pounding us in the face. Luckily my mustache looked like Chuck Norris and you were able to take shelter under my nose.
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #192 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Negative people talk and your dreams begin to wither off. But they begin to sprout in the fragrance of hope when they find a new soil Change your environment
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #47 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

It is uncomfortable to keep your dreams in a house just behind a public toilet your dreams will surely attract bad odours from the waste products of people in detracting environments. Keep it away from negative people
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Jarod Kintz quote #26 from I had a dream about you 2

I had a dream about you. My pee was cloudy and I brought an umbrella to the urinal. You were the Coach of the Mens Room and you were giving me advice on how to be a better weatherman. But I didnt listen because I was the arrogant five-time MVP.
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Herman E. Kittredge quote #22 from Ingersoll: A Biographical Appreciation

England has her Stratford Scotland has her Alloway and America too has her Dresden. For there on August 11 1833 was born the greatest and noblest of the Western World an immense personality -- unique lovable sublime the peerless orator of all time and as true a poet as Nature ever held in tender clasp upon her loving breast and in words coined for the chosen few told of the joys and sorrows hopes dreams and fears of universal life a patriot whose golden words and deathless deeds were worthy of the Great Republic a philanthropist real and genuine a philosopher whose central theme was human love -- who placed the holy hearth of home higher than the altar of any god an iconoclast a builder -- a reformer perfectly poised absolutely honest and as fearless as truth itself -- the most aggressive and formidable foe of superstition -- the most valiant champion of reason -- Robert G. Ingersoll.
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Jean Rhys quote #34 from Wide Sargasso Sea

As for her Id forgotten her for the moment. So I shall never understand why suddenly bewilderingly I was certain that everything I had imagined to be truth was false. False. Only the magic and the dream are trueall the rests a lie. Let it go. Here is the secret. Here.
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