Famous Quotes about priorities

E.A. Bucchianeri quote #216 from Brushstrokes of a Gadfly

Falling in love is very real but I used to shake my head when people talked about soul mates poor deluded individuals grasping at some supernatural ideal not intended for mortals but sounded pretty in a poetry book. Then we met and everything changed the cynic has become the converted the sceptic an ardent zealot.
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Haruki Murakami quote #268 from Kafka on the Shore

Most things are forgotten over time. Even the war itself the life-and-death struggle people went through is now like something from the distant past. Were so caught up in our everyday lives that events of the past are no longer in orbit around our minds. There are just too many things we have to think about everyday too many new things we have to learn. But still no matter how much time passes no matter what takes place in the interim there are some things we can never assign to oblivion memories we can never rub away. They remain with us forever like a touchstone.
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Hermann Hesse quote #485 from Siddhartha

It may be important to great thinkers to examine the world to explain and despise it. But I think it is only important to love the world not to despise it not for us to hate each other but to be able to regard the world and ourselves and all beings with love admiration and respect.
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