Famous Quotes about spirituality

Solomon Northup quote #365 from Twelve Years a Slave

At such times the heart of man turns instictively towards his Maker. In prosperity and whenever there is nothing to injure or make him afraid he remembers Him not and is ready to defy Him but place him in the midst of dangers cut him off from human aid let the grave open before him then it is in the time of his tribulation that the scoffer and unbelieving man turns to God for help feeling there is no other hope or refuge or safety save in his protecting arm.
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Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi famous quote #434

A worshipper perceives that he is near to God because he is awake all night worshipping God. But after worship your prayers are for health long life wealth and for the damsels and slaves of the Paradise. Ponder Did you ever pray to God O God I desire from Thee nothing but Thee
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David W Earle famous quote #307

My prayer is an attitude of pure gratitude for having the opportunity to experience life on this earth with all its pain heartache worry and turmoil coupled with this gratitude is the thankfulness for just having the opportunity to have lived. That is fairly easy on good days but difficult when life puts rocks and boulders in the road.
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Rick Hamlin quote #452 from 10 Prayers You Can't Live Without: How to Talk to God About Anything

To try to pray is to pray. You cant fail at it. Its the only human endeavor I can think of where trying is doing. Reaching out is holding on. Joining in is letting go.
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Michael Bassey Johnson famous quote #349

If you keep on saying a single thing to yourself you are likely to attract it to yourself dreaming it always then in a twinkle of an eye it comes to you.
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Saurabh Sharma famous quote #90

A Strange PrayerDear Lord I the self searching illusion has seen and experienced the outer worldrelationshipssuccess and failuretrue friends strangers and backbiters.I lived the different emotionsduring different seasonsI witnessed ups downsenjoyed love hatewas good badfaced beauty ugliness.There were times when I was bravethere were times when I was a coward.There were times when I was proactivethere were times when I was indecisive.After flying high in the skiesand yet being a loser...After being nothing no oneand yet feeling content..I have understood the differencebetween lust and lovehappiness and sadnessselfishness and selflessness.One often leads to anotheranother secretly carries the oneYet I am lostbetween being and becoming.An inner voice admits thatmy heart is an unexplored realmmy mind is a prisoner to my wishful thinkingand the soul is unknown to me.Setting that unknown free... now this is my heartiest wish.As Saurabh Sharmathe human beingIalwayspray to thee O lord set me free.I dont want loveI dont want to be lovedI want myself to be love itself now.That beautiful silent and divine existence...I want to get merged into that.Please give me wisdom and courage Merge me into your supreme kingdom by setting my soul free.
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Oksana Rus famous quote #456

It was a vision of the one thing that we both hoped someday would be...the warmth of our bodies next to each others reflected in sunset of our secret place... We longed for it to be like this each and every evening... Dancing in the night playing hide-and-seek in the day the beauty of our souls blossoms... Never before had we felt so happy never before had we felt so alive... We hear the birds sensing the cheerful breeze the rainbows end does linger here....our tenderness sighs and spirits speak and we do know clear... This place is where love and laughter meet... You take my hand kiss each finger tip with tears in your eyes you touch my cheek and whisper of how wondrous this we share our love once again. The love that gives us wings to fly anew. Our hearts in sweet pleasing pain beat as one in the rhythm of long forgotten yet melody... Together again at this wondrous place where just our presence adds more grace and makes it what was meant to be - a place for you a place for me...
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