Famous Quotes about water

Oksana Rus famous quote #160

You spoke to her in hidden dreams...and smiled at her through open doors. She felt your secret love surround her at times. And while alone she felt your breath heartbeat and more... Serenity of hers is never-ending soothing....it leads lures calls you... Ah timeless burning flame.. Her kiss is ocean salty water you drink and thirst increases...you long and pray for more...
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Israelmore Ayivor famous quote #30

Your dreams are like the cement. If you water it with actions it becomes a hard concrete mass. But if you leave it exposed and unwatered the air will easily blow it away
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Bryant McGill quote #196 from Simple Reminders: Inspiration for Living Your Best Life

The keys to health and weight-loss stress reduction sleep deep breathing clean water complete nutrition sunshine walking stretching meditation love community laughter dreams perseverance purpose humility action.
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