Famous Quotes about compromise

Israelmore Ayivor quote #141 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

I put complains aside and replace each of them with trials and to my surprise some things I see as difficult were not so before I conclude that Success resides behind the curtains of complains tear those pieces of complains away and you will see the stage of your dreams clearly
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Jarod Kintz quote #194 from I had a dream about you 2

I had a dream about you. You were drinking apple juice and I was drinking horse piss though the spectators in the stadium couldnt tell who was drinking what even though one million dollars for guessing correctly was on the line.
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #152 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

You are likely to vomit your dreams if you take too much at a time. Take it one after the other and dont over-eat the dreams you have Dream big but start small
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #63 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Hi Lady Hi Woman.. all that Naomi had all that Mary had all that Esther had all that Elizabeth had YOU ALSO HAVE... Go make your dreams come true
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Jelord Klinn Cabresos famous quote #70

Hold my hand never let go.Be it tiringbe it painfulstill hold me tight.Draw me closer to our dreamssleep to every moment Im awakecolor my life with rainbowsand kiss me ---kiss me like theres no tomorrow.Touch my nose with yoursfill these gaps of my fingerssing me the melody I so long to hearand together ---together well stand from the edge of forevertogether well walk through the shorestogether well sail the ocean upon all the oddsand right now right therelove me ---love me like you never did she said.
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #47 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

It is uncomfortable to keep your dreams in a house just behind a public toilet your dreams will surely attract bad odours from the waste products of people in detracting environments. Keep it away from negative people
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Virginia Woolf quote #94 from Orlando

Hail happiness then and after happiness hail not those dreams which bloat the sharp image as spotted mirrors do the face in a country-inn parlour dreams which splinter the whole and tear us asunder and wound us and split us apart in the night when we would sleep but sleep sleep so deep that all shapes are ground to dust of infinite softness water of dimness inscrutable and there folded shrouded like a mummy like a moth prone let us lie on the sand at the bottom of sleep.
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