Famous Quotes about compromise

Jarod Kintz quote #57 from We Had A #Dream About You

I had a dream about you. The leaves changed from yellow to red but the stoplights did not. This made me continually cautious and you kept honking at me. I thought you were the rudest goose ever so I ran you over. Then the light turned red.
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C.S. Lewis quote #117 from Readings for Meditation and Reflection

...And in prayer this real I struggles to speak for once from his being and to address for once not the other actors but--what shall I call Him the Author for He invented us all The Producer for He controls all Or the Audience for He watches and will judge the performance The attempt is not to escape from space and time and from my creaturely situation as a subject facing objects. It is more modest to re-awaken the awareness of that situation. If that can be done there is no need to go anywhere else. This situation itself is at every moment a possible theophany. Here is the holy ground the Bush is burning now.
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Jarod Kintz quote #59 from We Had A #Dream About You

I had a dream about you. I was selling dreams and you were selling sleep. We decided to partner up until I used some of your product and went for a sleepwalk and fell off a cliff.
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Gayle D. Erwin quote #497 from The Yhwh Style

I still find my corrupt heart longing for tomorrows bread. I can make a good argument to the Lord about how effective I can be if He would supply me with enough advance funds. Its a little frightening to pray for TODAYs bread. That means I must pray again for tomorrow and believe again for tomorrow. My greedy heart is willing to be corrupted by a little bit of riches so that I see my warehouse full of loaves. I can make a good argument about how God wont have to be bothered with me every day if He would only advance me about ten years worth of bread.
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Erin Morgenstern quote #172 from The Night Circus

I would have written you myself if I could put down in words everything I want to say to you. A sea of ink would not be enough.But you built me dreams instead Celia says looking up at him. And I built you tents you hardly ever see. I have had so much of you around me always and I have been unable to give you anything in return that you can keep.
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