Famous Quotes about compromise

Jarod Kintz quote #26 from I had a dream about you 2

I had a dream about you. My pee was cloudy and I brought an umbrella to the urinal. You were the Coach of the Mens Room and you were giving me advice on how to be a better weatherman. But I didnt listen because I was the arrogant five-time MVP.
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Herman E. Kittredge quote #22 from Ingersoll: A Biographical Appreciation

England has her Stratford Scotland has her Alloway and America too has her Dresden. For there on August 11 1833 was born the greatest and noblest of the Western World an immense personality -- unique lovable sublime the peerless orator of all time and as true a poet as Nature ever held in tender clasp upon her loving breast and in words coined for the chosen few told of the joys and sorrows hopes dreams and fears of universal life a patriot whose golden words and deathless deeds were worthy of the Great Republic a philanthropist real and genuine a philosopher whose central theme was human love -- who placed the holy hearth of home higher than the altar of any god an iconoclast a builder -- a reformer perfectly poised absolutely honest and as fearless as truth itself -- the most aggressive and formidable foe of superstition -- the most valiant champion of reason -- Robert G. Ingersoll.
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Ernst Jünger quote #451 from Eumeswil

The padres set great store by addressing prayer to personal gods Genuine prayer exists only in religions in which there is a God as a person and a shape and endowed with a will.That was stated by a famous Protestant. The anarch does not want to have anything to do with that conception. As for the One God while he may be able to shape persons he is not a person himself and the he is already a patriarchal prejudice.A neuter One is beyond our grasp while man converses ten with the Many Gods on equal terms whether as their inventor or as their discoverer. In any case it is man who named the gods. This is not to be confused with a high level soliloquy. Divinity must without a doubt be inside us and recognized as being inside us otherwise we would have no concept of gods.
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Chirag Tulsiani famous quote #128

And in that moment he realised that even though the dreams theyd seen together hoped for and believed in had come true it wasnt enough. It was far from reality which was lonesome and woeful. And conceived that love had no lastingness it was brief and momentary. It wasnt the cherishable sensation spoken of in movies and written in books rather a delusion inclined on ruining the very spirit giving way to mournfulness and disappointment.
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