Famous Quotes about sleeping

Chuck Palahniuk quote #293 from Invisible Monsters

I thought we were a real love relationship. I did. I was very invested in love but it was just this long long sex thing that could end at any moment because after all its just about getting off. Almost all the time you tell yourself youre loving somebody when youre just using them. This only looks like love.
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Sarah Dessen quote #44 from The Truth About Forever

He wasnt the type for displays of affection either verbal or not. He was disgusted by couples that made out in the hallways between classes and got annoyed at even the slightest sappy moments in movies. But I knew he cared about me he just conveyed it more subtly as concise with expressing this emotion as he was with everything else. It was in the way hed put his hand on the small of my back for instance or how hed smile at me when I said something that surprised him. Once I might have wanted more but Id come around to his way of thinking in the time wed been together. And we were together all the time. So he didnt have to prove how he felt about me. Like so much else I should just know.
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