Famous Quotes about artists

Amy Reed quote #42 from Crazy

Thats what dreams are really like you know Theyre not full of melting clocks or floating roses or people made out of rocks. Most of the time dreams look just like the normal world. Its your feelings that tell you somethings off. Not your mind not your intellect not something as obvious as that. The only part of you that really knows whats going on is the part of you thats most a mystery. If thats not Surrealism I dont know what is.
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Wendell Berry quote #290 from The Art of the Commonplace: The Agrarian Essays

It is impossible to see how good work might be accomplished by people who think that our life in this world either signifies nothing or has only a negative significance.If on the other hand we believe that we are living souls Gods dust and Gods breath acting our parts among other creatures all made of the same dust and breath as ourselves and if we understand that we are free within the obvious limits of moral human life to do evil or good to ourselves and to the other creatures - then all our acts have a supreme significance. If it is true that we are living souls and morally free then all of us are artists. All of us are makers within mortal terms and limits of our lives of one anothers lives of things we need and use...If we think of ourselves as living souls immortal creatures living in the midst of a Creation that is mostly mysterious and if we see that everything we make or do cannot help but have an everlasting significance for ourselves for others and for the world then we see why some religious teachers have understood work as a form of prayer...Work connects us both to Creation and to eternity. pg. 316 Christianity and the Survival of Creation
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Jarod Kintz quote #128 from We Had A #Dream About You

I had a dream about you. You were trying to perfect the art of sexual intercourse and I offered you the use of one of my statues to practice on. Artists have to stick together even if one artist is sticking it to another artists work.
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