Famous Quotes about we-had-a-dream-about-you

Jarod Kintz quote #112 from We Had A #Dream About You

I had a dream about you. You took a cruise and I took a canoe. I paddled alongside your ship out into the Atlantic Ocean and down to the Caribbean. I shouted I love you the whole way but you couldnt hear me probably because that man you were with was talking the whole time.
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Jarod Kintz quote #37 from We Had A #Dream About You

I had a dream about you. You were a dolphin in a fur coat and I was your shrink telling you that you were experiencing feelings of mammal inadequacies. You thought instead of paying me your money would be better spent on sex and I agreed. So I sold you a box of condoms and dead fish.
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Jarod Kintz quote #157 from We Had A #Dream About You

I had a dream about you. The stars in the constellations lined up the portals between the heavens were opened and you were looking for a blood sacrifice to make the trip. And I was there ready to sell you a box of used tampons.
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Jarod Kintz quote #43 from We Had A #Dream About You

I had a dream about you. You wondered if there were any more honest men left in the world and so did I because I worked for the government and if there were any honest men left in the world then it was my job to find them and kill them. After I robbed them.
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Jarod Kintz quote #107 from We Had A #Dream About You

I had a dream about you. I said The sex train leaves in three minutes and lasts for three minutes. Hop on You replied No thanks. I think Ill catch a cab. Well you did catch a cab and then you caught syphilis.
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