Famous Quotes about important

Haruki Murakami quote #387 from The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

Is it possible in the final analysis for one human being to achieve perfect understanding of anotherWe can invest enormous time and energy in serious efforts to know another person but in the end how close can we come to that persons essence We convince ourselves that we know the other person well but do we really know anything important about anyone
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Amit Kalantri famous quote #111

Give as much as importance to your goal as you give it to your first girlfriend with that much importance your girlfriend might still leave you but your goal will definitely come to you.
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Roman Payne famous quote #19

As I look back on my life I think of how few rules should be followed. As for men we must learn bravery and live for Pleasure and for Beauty. More important than those two things should stand only one thing for us... Honor. A mans honor should be more sacred to him than his life especially in our age a time when very few men know what honor is.
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