Famous Quotes about dying

Roman Payne quote #283 from Hope and Despair

Its not that we have to quit this life one day its how many things we have to quit all at once holding hands hotel rooms music the physics of falling leaves vanilla and jasmine poppies smiling anthills the color of the sky coffee and cashmere literature sparks and subway trains... If only one could leave this life slowly
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Neil Gaiman quote #70 from The Sandman

Ive been making a list of the things they dont teach you at school. They dont teach you how to love somebody. They dont teach you how to be famous. They dont teach you how to be rich or how to be poor. They dont teach you how to walk away from someone you dont love any longer. They dont teach you how to know whats going on in someone elses mind. They dont teach you what to say to someone whos dying. They dont teach you anything worth knowing.
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