Famous Quotes about this-is-the-best-book-i-ve-ever-written

Jarod Kintz quote #392 from This is the best book I've ever written

I made myself an I Love Jennifer jacket out of my old I Love Jenn jacket. Two girls one continuous love. The I Love Jennifer is a little off-center but then so am I. Better than being self-centered as my clone would probably say.
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Jarod Kintz quote #247 from This is the best book I've ever written

Love gives you wings. Icarus and the Challenger both had wings and so did my first love letter after I folded it up and flung it at my crush.
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Jarod Kintz quote #301 from This is the best book I've ever written

If one unlabeled bottle holds nonfat milk what does the second unlabeled bottle contain If you answered Whole milk then youre obviously not ready to receive a jug of my love. So Ill just pour it in someone elses coffee.
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Jarod Kintz quote #441 from This is the best book I've ever written

Love has a shape but no color. Youre probably wondering If its transparent how do you know what shape it is Good question. Well for one thing I put it together and for another Im currently wearing it like body armor though to the casual observer I appear naked.
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Jarod Kintz quote #29 from This is the best book I've ever written

I had a dream where I lost Capn among the hundreds of black and white cats and they all looked nearly identical to him. It was such a sad dream that it made me drool out of my eyes.
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