Famous Quotes about leader

Israelmore Ayivor famous quote #46

True leaders are willing to die for their dreams. They dont oppress with ignorance they impress with visions. They live like Martin Luther King Jr Nelson Mandela...
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Israelmore Ayivor famous quote #94

Authority confined in you does not make you a leader. It is the authority created by you that makes you influence people with your purpose.
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Israelmore Ayivor famous quote #68

Ballot papers do not define leaders. Leadership is defined by conviction vision passion and inspiration.
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #131 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Great leaders are most wanted. They are most wanted for what they do with their gifts and talents. Their dreams are so unique in such a way that their presence becomes a source of hope and courage for others to thread on along. Why wont they look for them
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Israelmore Ayivor famous quote #64

A leader without a clear vision and plans only abuses his power because visions dreams and plans are the fulcrum along which the loads of success will spine by your own efforts. And where power is abused there is manipulation instead of inspiration.
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #60 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Real kings and queens are people whose heads are crowned with dreams as they sit on the throne of passion. They rule with visions in the regalia of inspirations
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #96 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

The vision of life is not a discovery its a work and whatever position you occupy demands work. Your life may not be built on your visions if you go high and find yourself doing the vice. Going higher should be a priority but being aware of the reason for getting there should be the focus
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A.J. Darkholme quote #152 from Rise of the Morningstar

If you plan for failure then you are expecting to fail. If you plan for success youll be successful. Once you start making a Plan B you distract from Plan A and the moment you start believing there are other options you start settling for less.
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