Famous Quotes about heads

Israelmore Ayivor quote #60 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Real kings and queens are people whose heads are crowned with dreams as they sit on the throne of passion. They rule with visions in the regalia of inspirations
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V.C. Andrews quote #135 from Flowers in the Attic

And when I fall in love I began I will build a mountain to touch the sky. Then my lover and I will have the best of both worlds reality firmly under our feet while we have our heads in the clouds with all our illusions still intact. And the purple grass will grow all around high enough to reach our eyes.
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Jarod Kintz quote #91 from We Had A #Dream About You

I had a dream about you. We were in a field picking dandelions for the king when a strong breeze came. I threw myself in front of you to block the wind because the king was balding and if even one dandelion floret fell out wed lose our heads. Well youd lose your head. I was just a walking torso so I had nothing to lose but your love.
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