Famous Quotes about priorities

Ernst Jünger quote #383 from Eumeswil

Religio as we know harks back to a word re-ligio meaning bond and that is precisely what the anarch rejects. He does not go in for Moses with the Ten Commandments or indeed for any prophets. Nor does he wish to hear anything concerning gods or rumors about them except as a historian - or unless they appear to him. That is when the conflicts begin.So if I state in order to pray I am following an innate instinct that is no weaker than the sexual drive - in fact even stronger. The two are alike insofar as foul things can happen when they are suppressed.
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Jarod Kintz quote #65 from Dreaming is for lovers

I had a dream about you. We were two lovers disguised as librarians. We met in the non-fiction section and thats the truth. Or at least thats what we told your parents. They didnt need to know where we really metin the smut section the corner with all the political biographies.
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Alberto Caeiro quote #93 from The Keeper of Sheep

Its stranger than every strangenessAnd the dreams of all the poetsAnd the thoughts of all the philosophersThat things are really what they seem to beAnd theres nothing to understand.
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Jarod Kintz quote #122 from Dreaming is for lovers

I had a dream about you. You sold canned laughter and I sold fresh laughter straight out of my throat. You sold more of it but nobody really liked your product. Plus the people who bought your cans werent the kind of people to recycle so most definitely Mother Earth did not find you funny.
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