Famous Quotes about priorities

Jenny Davidow quote #70 from Embracing Your Subconscious: Bringing All Parts of You into Creative Partnership

Your subconscious is a powerful and mysterious force which can either hold you back or help you move forward. Without its cooperation your best goals will go unrealized with its help you are unbeatable.
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Erik Larson quote #133 from In the Garden of Beasts: Love

Germans grew reluctant to stay in communal ski lodges fearing they might talk in their sleep. They postponed surgeries because of the lip-loosening effects of anesthetic. Dreams reflected the ambient anxiety. One German dreamed that an SA man came to his home and opened the door to his oven which then repeated every negative remark the household had made against the government.
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Wendell Berry quote #127 from The Art of the Commonplace: The Agrarian Essays

The two ideas justice and vocation are inseparable.... It is by way of the principle and practice of vocation that sanctity and reverence enter into the human economy. It was thus possible for traditional cultures to conceive that to work is to pray. pg. 258 The Idea of a Local Economy
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Dora J. Arod quote #99 from I Had a Dream About You

I had a dream about you. We were in a canoe and we were paddling across the desert. You said you were thirsty and I pointed to the sand that surrounded us and said No I will not urinate in your mouth. At that point I woke up because I realized I really had to peeand get a drink of water.
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Daniel Amory quote #192 from Minor Snobs

I remember when I was twenty-five he said. No client comes to you when youre twenty-five. Its like when you are looking for a doctor. You dont want the new one that just graduated. You dont want the very old one the one shaking the one twenty years past his prime. You want the seasoned one who has done it so many times he can do it in his sleep though. Same thing with attorneys.
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Naomi Alderman quote #13 from Doctor Who: Borrowed Time

The thing about the Lexington International Bank ladder was that it was very long and climbing it was very exhausting and so Andrew Brown didnt have a lot of time to think about whether he really wanted to get to the top of itand besides since so many other people were climbing too the view from the top must be worth it.So he kept going. He worked hard. He put his heart and mind and soul into it. There was an opening for a position half a rung higher than he already was. With a promotion he might get two hours a week of a secretarys time. Hed go to more important meetings with more senior people and have the opportunity to impress them and if he did he might be promoted again and then... well of course eventually hed be running the whole office. Its important to have a dream otherwise you might notice where you really are.
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Anita R. Sneed-Carter famous quote #107

Dear Heavenly Father We pray for those who are living silence locked in the room of depression to where they are taking their own lives. This is the enemy trying to take souls away before they can hear The Word and accept it. We pray for a breakthrough and a releasing from the enemies grip and that the spirit of depression is sent back into the pits of hell where it belongs We call it done right now in the MIGHTY name of Jesus we pray amen.
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Jarod Kintz quote #182 from I Had a Dream About You

I had a dream about you. You had just died and I was debating putting your body into either a coffin or a shoebox. My decision was based solely on spatial concerns so I chose the ashtray because I thought it best to smoke your essence like a cigarette.
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