Famous Quotes about purpose

Kirstie Alley famous quote #413

Its funny. No matter how hard you try you cant close your heart forever. And the minute you open it up you never know whats going to come in. But when it does you just have to go for it Because if you dont theres not point in being here.
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Yvonne Woon quote #236 from Dead Beautiful

Dante laughed. No cold soup no goat cheese. Ill make a mental note. And no Gottfried Curse.And for you its no food at all. No sleep. And no tunnels.Im low maintenance.Is that what you are Because Ive been trying to figure it out all semester.And what have you concludedA mutant. A rare disease. A creature from the inferno. Dante.And what if you found out you were right he asked. What if it meant that I could hurt youI would say that Im not scared. Everyone has the ability to hurt. Its the choice that matters.
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