Famous Quotes about confidence

Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez quote #336 from Love in the Time of Cholera

Age has no reality except in the physical world. The essence of a human being is resistant to the passage of time. Our inner lives are eternal which is to say that our spirits remain as youthful and vigorous as when we were in full bloom. Think of love as a state of grace not the means to anything but the alpha and omega. An end in itself.
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David Levithan quote #129 from Every Day

What is it about the moment you fall in love How can such a small measure of time contain such enormity I suddenly realize why people believe in dj vu why people believe theyve lived past lives because there is no way the years Ive spent on this earth could possibly encapsulate what Im feeling. The moment you fall in love feels like it has centuries behind it generationsall of them rearranging themselves so that this precise remarkable intersection could happen. In you heart in your bones no matter how silly you know it is you feel that everything has been leading to this all the secret arrows were pointing here the universe and time itself crafted this long ago and you are just now realizing it you are now just arriving at the place you were always meant to be.
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