Famous Quotes about kissing

Ashley Kennett quote #158 from Dreaming is for lovers

I had a dream about you. You were so cute and I was holding you for a long time. We went for a walk happily strutting down the street. We saw a couple others but they werent having as much fun as we were. We arrived back home and I gave you a kiss on the nose and a bone.
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Aleksandra Ninkovic quote #74 from Dreaming is for lovers

I had a dream about you. Again. In fact Ive had so many dreams about you that I can almost feel your skin under my fingertips and your breath every time we kiss. This time when you pulled me closer even though I couldnt see you I knew it was you. Ive heard your footsteps and recognized them instantly. Id recognize them anywhere among many others. The way I yearn for you you are always expected. And now I expect you to do just that. Kiss me. This time I am asking for it because I need to make sure I am awake.
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Crystal Hudson quote #44 from Dreaming is for lovers

I had a dream about you last night for the millionth time We did what we always do in my dreams. We talked but we never made out. How come I still dream about you if we never freaking make out
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