Famous Quotes about the-days-of-yay-are-here-wake-me-up-when-they-re-over-

Jarod Kintz quote #332 from The Days of Yay are Here! Wake Me Up When They're Over.

Hydrogenated and androgynous milky white love is all I have to offer you. Would you like me to pour it in your coffee or directly into your soul
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Jarod Kintz quote #51 from The Days of Yay are Here! Wake Me Up When They're Over.

Death cannot stop true love. Thats why its pointless for me to try to murder all my adoring female fans.
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Jarod Kintz quote #273 from The Days of Yay are Here! Wake Me Up When They're Over.

The wind blew my words away from you. So while I told you I love you the phrase was carried in the opposite direction and landed 333 miles away in the ears of a confused farmer. He was nice though. He sent me a kind letter saying that while he was flattered I wasnt really his type.
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Jarod Kintz quote #105 from The Days of Yay are Here! Wake Me Up When They're Over.

In my dream I woke up to realize I was tired and needed to go to sleep. Then I slowly remembered that I was asleep but that I needed to wake up and write this down. Blah.
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