Famous Quotes about sing

Steve Maraboli quote #352 from Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action towards your dreams. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Embrace your blessings. Make today worth remembering.
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Jarod Kintz quote #122 from Dreaming is for lovers

I had a dream about you. Youd never been in an elevator before and Id never been in love. I said I could help you and you said you could help me. I got excited because you were so beautiful but I was quickly let down when you introduced me to your friend who looked like a horse and sang like Miley Cyrus.
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Jarod Kintz quote #167 from We Had A #Dream About You

I had a dream about you. You were the lead guitarist in a band with no voice and you were holding auditions for lead singer. Everybody in line in front of me and behind me was a mime so I felt confident Id get the gig. I felt my performance was excellent like Axl Rose meets Rosie ODonnell but no you felt a person who sings in silence would make a better front man for your band.
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Anonymous quote #42 from Holy Bible: King James Version

Anyone who is having troubles should pray. Anyone who is happy should sing praises. Anyone who is sick should call the churchs elders. They should pray for and pour oil on the person in the name of the Lord. And the prayer that is said with faith will make the sick person well the Lord will heal that person. And if the person has sinned the sins will be forgiven. Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so God can heal you. When a believing person prays great things happen. James 513-16
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