Famous Quotes about wisdom

Deb Caletti quote #186 from The Secret Life of Prince Charming

This is what I know. Dont settle for 40 50 or even 80 percent. A relationship-it shouldnt be too small or too tight or even a little scratchy. It shouldnt take up space in your closet out of guilty conscience or convenience or a moment of desire. Do you hear me It shold be perfect for you. It should be lasting. Wait. wait for 100 percent.
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Cinda Williams Chima quote #249 from The Crimson Crown

So heres the truth - I love you. I love everything about you the way you stick up for people even when it costs you. The way you keep trying to do the right thing even when youre not exactly sure what the right thing is. I love how you put words together. Youre as skilled with words as any knife fighter with a blade. You can put an enemy down on his back or you can raise people up so they find whats best in themselves. Youve changed my life. Youve given me the words I need to become whatever I want.I love how you talk to lytlings. You dont talk down to them. You respect them and anybody can tell youre actually interested in what they have to say.I love the way you ride a horse how you stick there like an upland thistle whooping like a Demonai. I love the way you throw back your head and stomp your feet when you dance. I love how you go after what you want whether its kisses or a queendom.I love your skin like copper dusted over with gold. And your eyes theyre the color of a forest lake shaded by evergreens. One of the secret places that only the Demonai know about.I love the scent of you when youve been out in the fresh air and that perfume you put behind your ears sometimes.Believe it or not I even love your road smell of sweat and horses and leather and wool.I want to breathe you in for the rest of my life.
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Michael Ondaatje quote #500 from The English Patient

There are betrayals in war that are childlike compared with our human betrayals during peace. The new lovers enter the habits of the other. Things are smashed revealed in a new light. This is done with nervous or tender sentences although the heart is an organ of fire.
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Christopher Isherwood quote #273 from A Single Man

Think of two people living together day after day year after year in this small space standing elbow to elbow cooking at the same small stove squeezing past each other on the narrow stairs shaving in front of the same small bathroom mirror constantly jogging jostling bumping against each others bodies by mistake or on purpose sensually aggressively awkwardly impatiently in rage or in love think what deep though invisible tracks they must leave everywhere behind them
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Stephen King famous quote #358

Do any of us except in our dreams truly expect to be reunited with our hearts deepest loves even when they leave us only for minutes and on the most mundane of errands No not at all. Each time they go from our sight we in our secret hearts count them as dead. Having been given so much we reason how could we expect not to be brought as low as Lucifer for the staggering presumption of our love
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