Famous Quotes about dreaming

Neel Burton quote #45 from Plato: Letters to my Son

My cough is much worse at night and often prevents me from sleeping. It is not so much the daytime tiredness that I resent but the inability to proceed uninter- rupted with my dreams to run and play with my fancies and at last in the early hours of the morning to be visited with visions like a holy madman. The dreamer is like a Delian diver fishing for pearls from the depths of our inner sea of knowledge and I must have solved or rather resolved many more problems in my sleep than in my conscious hours.
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Wayne Gerard Trotman quote #117 from Veterans of the Psychic Wars

Asleep you can experience many hours whilst only a few waking moments have passed. This is why dreams are an ideal platform for training.
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Israelmore Ayivor famous quote #131

Let your dreams be as litmitless as the circumference of the entire universe. The police service does not prosecute people who over-dream. Never nail yourself to the narrow cross. Dream big
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Israelmore Ayivor famous quote #13

Never abbreviate your dreams. Only short-hand people always do that. Their punishment is that they cant stretch far further and forward into the future. Dream only big dreams
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Israelmore Ayivor famous quote #125

If you want your dreams to work out for you you must work with them. Pay the price and have the package of your accomplishments in full versions.
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