Famous Quotes about self-confidence

Arthur Rimbaud quote #427 from A Season in Hell/The Drunken Boat

Love...no such thing.Whatever it is that binds families and married couples together thats not love. Thats stupidity or selfishness or fear. Love doesnt exist. Self interest exists attachment based on personal gain exists complacency exists. But not love. Love has to be reinvented thats certain.
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David Levithan quote #419 from The Lover's Dictionary

contiguous adj.I felt silly for even mentioning it but once I did I knew I had to explain. When I was a kid I had this puzzle with all fifty states on it--you know the kind where you have to fit them all together. And one day I got it in my head that California and Nevada were in love. I told my mom and she had no idea what I was talking about. I ran and got those two pieces and showed it to her--California and Nevada completely in love. So a lot of the time when were like this--my ankles against the backs of your ankles my knees fitting into the backs of your knees my thighs on the backs of your legs my stomach against your back my chin folding into your neck--I cant help but think about California and Nevada and how were a lot like them. If someone were drawing us from above as a map. thats what wed look like thats how we are. For a moment you were quiet. And then you nestled in and whispered. Contiguous. And I knew you understood.
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Jarod Kintz quote #392 from This is the best book I've ever written

I made myself an I Love Jennifer jacket out of my old I Love Jenn jacket. Two girls one continuous love. The I Love Jennifer is a little off-center but then so am I. Better than being self-centered as my clone would probably say.
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