Famous Quotes about love

Daniel J. Rice quote #165 from This Side of a Wilderness

Sometimes I feel like Im losing my mind she said with a hintof sadness.You lost your mind a long time ago he said seriously. She looked at him with indignation. Thats a compliment for anyone who knows the freedom and clarity of losing their mind he reaffirmed her.
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Nirav Sanchaniya famous quote #21

A Writer is Actor Creator Director Producer Of HIS Life. Ask ME anything.
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Jarod Kintz quote #38 from I had a dream about you 2

I had a dream about you. You fell into my arms like a 120-pound sack of gold coins. So I did what any respectable lover would doI buried you in the backyard so nobody could steal you away from me.
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Little White Bird quote #12 from The Dark Horse Speaks

It was never the poverty that deterred me never the disease unsanitary conditions bugs or garbage those things were never even a thought in my head as a reason for not staying. I kept looking for the good and always found it each day. I was happy on the reservation.It would have all worked out if Chief could have been a little nicer to me. The only thing I was missing was love and respect from my partner. Maybe he had changed.
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Jarod Kintz quote #156 from Love quotes for the ages. And the ageless sages.

I wake up to write stuff down all night. Useful things like this To more efficiently make love nocturnally I must combine the best characteristics of bats bears and my Uncle Norman who disappeared in the mountains in 94.
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Amaka Imani Nkosazana famous quote #58

At any given moment you circumstances can change. You may not be where you want to be right now. You may not even be doing what you prefer to do. But if you change your way of thinking and realize that you have all the opportunities available to you just like each one of us. You can begin to focus on what you want to achieve and make it happen.
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Amaka Imani Nkosazana famous quote #122

At any given moment your circumstances can change. You may not be where you want to be right now. You may not even be doing what you prefer to do. But if you change your way of thinking and realize that you have all the opportunities available to you just like each one of us. You can begin to focus on what you want to achieve and make it happen
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Jarod Kintz quote #161 from We Had A #Dream About You

I had a dream about you. You were wearing a spaghetti strainer as a helmet and I said I demand you take my fishbowl off your head at once. But the truth is it didnt matter because my fish had dried up and died weeks ago. Thats kind of like how love works no
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Amaka Imani Nkosazana quote #26 from Sweet Destiny

Let today be the day you embrace your beautiful spirit and shine light for those living in the dark. Light their path so the road traveled will be seen more clearly. You never know how much a simple act of kindness is appreciated if you never try. Be that candle for someone today and shine bright.
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